Yoni Yoga

Yoni Steam | A preparation for working with the yoni egg

Enjoy the relaxing warmth for your yoni. The Yonisteam is an old custom that can be found in many ancient cultures around the world, including China, Africa and South America. Classically, beneficial herbs are added that are said to have a healing effect on the female genitals. The yoni steam is a beautiful

Enjoy the relaxing warmth for your yoni. The Yonisteam is an old custom that can be found in many ancient cultures around the world, including China, Africa and South America. Traditionally, beneficial herbs are added that are said to have a healing effect on the female genital organs.

The yoni steam is a wonderful preparation for working with the Yoni egg. What it comes down to is that you sit with your yoni over a pan of warm water. The warm steam from the water warms and relaxes the vulva and vagina, including your buttocks, perineum and anus. This gives (for most women) a feeling of grounding, relaxation and coming home to your body. If you do this you will notice that your yoni opens beautifully, the blood vessels open and the erectile tissues of your vagina fill, you may also notice that the anus area (related to control) relaxes and opens. This better blood flow has a healing and vitalizing effect on the entire female genital organs, including the uterus and ovaries.

How do you do that?
An old-fashioned toilet bowl that stands on the floor instead of hanging on the wall works best. If you don't have one, you can also use a sturdy bucket that you can sit on comfortably. If you have the space, you can also consider buying an old toilet bowl (for example via Marktplaats), or often even pick it up for free. You can even decorate this pot and turn it into your yoni steam altar. You can also buy special yoni steam pots on the internet.
It is nice to create a sacred space for yourself. Provide nice relaxing music, dimmed lights, and warmth, so that you can enjoy and relax in your naked body. It might be nice to have massage oil for your breasts, for example, on hand. It can also be nice to put a towel over yourself to absorb more of the heat, just like you put a towel over your head during a cold steam bath.
Take a small pan with water and heat it. If this resonates with you, you can add herbs (yoni steam) to it. Suitable for this, for example: lady's mantle, raspberry leaf, rose and chamomile. You place this pan in your toilet bowl or bucket. You simply sit on top of this, trying to open up as much as possible to allow in the benefits of the rising heat.

As you can read, the yoni steam is a way to relax and, above all, to release tension. It is recommended to use the steam before and after your period, during the period when your body is releasing. If you are no longer menstruating, but you still like to connect with the moon cycle, you can steam your yoni around the new moon. It is not recommended to steam during menstruation.

The yoni steam has a powerful effect on your female organs, so try not to use a steam more than twice a month.

A Yoni steam can also be a valuable, relaxing and opening preparation for an intimate evening with your partner.

A simple alternative is to place a hot water bottle between your legs, and here too let the benefits of the heat enter your yoni.

PLEASE NOTE: You can burn yourself in the hot water, so take good care of your safety. Be careful and make sure that your buttocks do not touch the pan, and also make sure that when you work with a bucket you do not fall over (for whatever reason) or fall through it.