Yoni Yoga

Anal De-armouring

In this article I will delve deeper into the problems that arise from tension in the anus.

In this article I will delve deeper into the problems that arise from tension in the anus. I also describe a method to de-armor the anus. De-armouring and anal massage can help relieve discomfort associated with the pelvic floor, promote pelvic health, and increase sensitivity and awareness in the pelvic floor. Anal de-armouring can help to release built-up tension.

As in the  general article about de-armouring indicates, (emotional) tensions are stored in muscle tissue. The anus has a literal function of ‘letting go’, considering this provides an easy understanding of the more symbolic and often emotionally charged function of letting go. People who find it difficult to ‘let go of control’, ‘or want to keep control’ often experience tension in the anus.
In addition, (chronic) stress, tension and a feeling of insecurity are an important cause of tension in the anus.

In the Taoist tradition, the anus is ‘ the gate between life and death’ named. The idea is that if your anus area is open and relaxed, you can easily absorb the energy of life and sexuality, and thereby experience nourishment and vital energy. This energy is, as it were, taken in and transformed by the anus area, and gives you a feeling of grounding and connection.
If there is too much tension in the anus, this principle leads to a loss of energy and vitality.

For many of us (especially men) the anus is off-limits, which is a shame, because de-armouring can be very valuable there.

Before you get started, it is nice to know more about the anus, how it works, and which complaints and symptoms are associated with excessive tension in the anus.

The anatomy of the anus

There are three important muscle groups that play a role in the anatomy of the anus. Two of these muscle groups are sphincters: the internal & external anal sphincter (/sphincter). For both sphincters, excessive tension reduces blood flow, sensitivity and responsiveness of the anal area.

If you insert a finger into the anus, you can feel these two sphincter muscles well above each other.

The internal anal sphincter is a smooth muscle that is deep in the anus. The special thing about this muscle is that it is not under our conscious control. This muscle contracts automatically to close the anus and keep the feces inside. This happens via the autonomic nervous system, which means that we have no conscious influence on it.

The external anal sphincter is located on the outside of the anus and can be controlled consciously. We can voluntarily contract this muscle to close the anus and retain feces, or relax it to allow feces to pass.

In addition to the anal sphincters, there is a third muscle called the puborectal muscle. Although it is not a sphincter, it plays an important role in the ability to control bowel movements. This muscle runs from the pubic bone to the rectum (last part of the large intestine) and changes the angle of the rectum and supports the action of the internal anal sphincter.

The anal area is an important part of the pelvic floor. For de-armouring the pelvic floor, it is relevant to know how the anus functions and maintains tension. By exploring the internal and external anal sphincters, as well as the puborectal muscle, you can develop a deeper understanding of your own body and the ability to consciously connect with these muscles. This awareness can contribute not only to better control over the pelvic floor muscles, but also to a greater sense of self-confidence, foundation, safety and self-esteem.

Anal tension

Anal tension can be caused or aggravated by various factors, including stress, anxiety, tension and emotional problems. Although every person is different and there are no specific emotions that are guaranteed to cause anal tension, many emotions can contribute to tension in the anal area:

  1. Anxiety: Fear and nervousness can lead to tension in the anal area area, especially the more external layers.
  2. Stress: Stress can lead to increased tension and can contract the muscles in the body, including the sphincters of the anus.
  3. Shame: Some people may feel ashamed of their body and anal area, which can lead to muscle tension and discomfort.
  4. Anger: Anger can have a physical effect on the body and can lead to muscle tension in the anal area.

Complaints that can occur due to anal tension are

  1. Pain or discomfort in the anal area
  2. Problems with bowel movements, such as constipation or difficult bowel movements.
  3. Hemorrhoids, anal fissures or other anal disorders .
  4. Sexual dysfunctions, for both men and women, including vaginal penetration.
  5. Pelvic floor problems, including imbalance or weakened muscles .
  6. Chronic proctalgia(persistent anal pain without apparent cause).
  7. Involuntary loss of stool or flatulence.
  8. Feeling of pressure or tension in the anal area.
  9. Problems retaining stool or flatulence.
  10. Anal de-armouring

    Let's get started!

    • Start slowly, especially if you have no experience with anal de-armouring.
    • If you work with your hands, use (medical) gloves.
    • Use sufficient lubricant

    What kind of tool do you use for anal de-armouring?

    It is great to initially work with something that is not too thick. Fingers are very suitable for this.
    I am also a big fan of massage spoons (especially for anal work), this spoon has a different tip on both sides, with which you can apply pressure in a pleasant way:

    Start by massaging the buttocks and the area around the anus

    The anus is located in the middle of a network of many muscles that are connected to each other and surrounding bones (ischium, sacrum, pelvic bones, pubic bones). Before you start, it is therefore important to massage this entire area, activate the nerves and stimulate blood flow and sensitivity. Many different muscles in the pelvic floor work together with the anal sphincters.
    Bringing relaxation to these muscles but also to the buttocks & hips will help to relax the anus.
    Start with the buttocks (tension in the buttocks and anus are often related), look for sensitive areas and apply gentle pressure here.

    Massage the outside of the anus

    The anus is very sensitive when functioning healthily and is seen by many as an erogenous zone. If there is a lot of tension in the anus, it is also less sensitive in most cases. Take the time to gently explore and caress the outer skin so that attention is focused on this area, which can improve blood circulation and activate the nervous system.
    Do you notice that the skin of the anus is hypersensitive, then start very slowly, and try to passively touch the skin or 'cup' it. with your hands. Try to relax into that touch. Be careful and in tune with subsequent steps, and possibly only go a step further next time.
    In most cases, stimulation of the anus will go further than just better blood flow, and a feeling of excitement may arise. This excitement is an ideal basis for possible later penetration.
    Apply sufficient lubricant during this phase.

    Meditate on the entrance

    Put the tip of a finger or (thin) tool against the opening of the anus and apply very light pressure, making your breaths deep , and bring your attention to the experience.

    Different directions in the opening

    After a while you can apply pressure in different directions of the opening, in the opening you can also feel the deepening between the outer anal sphincter, and deeper in the opening. Try to explore both muscle layers and investigate where the right pressure is, and where you experience more or less tension.
    (A massage spoon is very nice for this.)

    Do you notice that the skin of the anus becomes irritated, stop and continue another time.
    The skin of the anus is delicate and easily damaged. Next time the skin will probably be a little stronger, and you may be able to relax a little easier.


    When you feel ready, you can again place the finger or tool in the opening and increase the pressure a little. (Check whether there is a large amount of lubricant present). Do not initially apply so much pressure that the finger or tool goes in, deepen the breath again, and feel what you can feel, try to relax in your experience, even if it is very pleasant ;-).
    You can then 'rhythmically' apply a little more pressure each time you exhale, and reduce the pressure again when you inhale. This way, exhale after exhale, you can insert the finger or tool further inside. After each step inside, take time to rest and feel and experience again…
    Initially it is very pleasant to let the tool move in and out a little with the breathing, without you 

    Insertion often helps if you gently press outwards during insertion, the pressing relaxes the anal sphincters.

    If you notice that sliding is comfortable, you can go to the next step.

    Now you can search go to places in the anus area where there is tension. These are often somewhat sensitive places in the muscle, often with a hardening.

    If you do a self-dearmouring with your hands, then apply a finger (belly side of the anus) or thumb (back side of the anus) inwards, and place resp. your thumb (if you insert a finger)), or your fingers (if you insert a thumb), on the outside of your pelvic floor. You can now apply pressure between your thumb and fingers and 'grab' your anus area.
    You can also make a small hook with your finger or thumb, with which you can insert into the layers of and between the anal can put pressure on your sphincter muscles.

    If you are giving anal de-armouring to your partner, take your time to discover what works for you . It is not wise to regularly change fingers/thumbs, especially in the anus. In general, it works best for the giver if you insert your thumb at the abdominal side of the anus and place your fingers over the vulva. For the back of the anus, it is best to insert your index finger.
    Ensure good communication with your partner, and stop when it is sufficient.

    Find the point and give a pressure that is painful in a bearable way, again deepen the breath, and breathing in toward the point, and breathing out relax into the experience. If you work with your hands you will probably feel the tissue softening after a while. It is then time to move to a new point.

  11. Integration time

    Afterwards, take time to integrate. Place one hand over the pelvic floor and rest in this position for as long as you need. Allow emotions and enjoy this intimate time with yourself.
    It can also be nice to place a hot water bottle or pillow between your legs.

    Vaginal de-armouring of the anus

    For most women, the entire anus area can be reached through the vagina.
    To do this, insert a thumb into the vagina and place the fingers of the same hand over the anus. Use your right hand , then you will approach the left side of your anus.
    However, the distinction between the internal and external anal sphincter is less noticeable.