Yoni Yoga

Breast massage

For most women, female sexuality works from outside in. You will probably experience that the more you come into contact with your female sexuality, the more difficult it becomes for you when your vulva/vagina is approached directly. The breasts/breast massage can be an important key on the way to your pelvic area.

For most women, female sexuality works from ‘outside in’. You will probably experience that the more you come into contact with your female sexuality, the more difficult it becomes for you if your vulva/vagina is directly is approached. The breasts/breast massage can be an important key on the way to your pelvic area. PLEASE NOTE: it may be that there are blockages precisely here (in the heart area), and that you prefer this ‘vulnerable phase’ skip it, and take a detour 😉

NOTE: If you are missing one or more breasts, the following is equally valuable to you, your energetic system, to some extent, is unaffected, and it is likely that there is much to be felt and healed in the subtlety of the below . Above all, be kind to yourself and allow space for grief and loss in this area.

From the outside in – Like a flower opening.

For most women, sexuality begins in a SAFE setting, and therefore with the environment: Is the place safe and intimate, is the light dimmed, is it warm and comfortable? Is it a place to relax? Do you have warm feet :-)?

If this is met, a woman can generally enjoy a massage, which can be followed by a breast massage. When the whole body is ‘on’, ‘sensual’ and ‘awake’ feels, then there is room to approach the yoni.

Three layers breast massage
– ENERGY – Hold your hands open around your breasts, as if you are giving cushion to the space and warmth between your hands and your breasts, you can imagine that you are playing with the energy between your hands and your breasts.
– SKIN – Very subtly stroke the skin of your breasts with your fingertips, without purpose or direction, as if you were exploring and discovering. If you have scars on your breasts, explore lovingly and subtly how the skin feels and how you experience the skin.
– TISSUE – Now massage deeper, massage the tissue of your breasts, the deeper skin, the glands and the muscles under your breasts. (If you no longer have breasts, massage the muscles)

Let energy flow
– BRUSH MASSAGE – A powerful way to let the energy flow into the tissue of your breasts is a brush massage: Take a firm (pork bristle – shower) brush and rub it over your breasts, also including the area that runs towards your armpits. 

– CIRCLES MASSAGE – You can rotate circles around your breasts with both hands at the same time, this is a pleasant way to massage your breasts with (warm coconut) oil, for example. You can start with the center of your palms on your nipples, and from there slowly rotate larger and larger circles around your nipples. Keep in mind that there are two directions (from Taoism), this direction depends on whether your hands move up or down in the area between your breasts. If your hands move downwards in this place, the energy is downwards and is draining. This movement is pleasant if you feel like you want to drain heavy energy or emotions to the earth. This massage is said to help with swollen and painful breasts. If you want, you can occasionally breathe the ‘energy’ between your breasts. all the way down, through your abdomen and pelvic area into the earth.
If you massage in the other direction, making increasingly larger circles, moving upwards in the middle, this energy would be invigorating, even It is claimed that this direction helps if you want to get larger breasts, and this is also valuable if it is difficult to initiate breastfeeding for your child. In both cases, you complete the massage by starting from the largest circles with smaller circles. and ending with the center of your palms resting on your nipples. In this posture you can meditate on your experience, and possibly on the flow of any generated or stagnant energy and emotions.

TIP: Regularly place a (warm) hand on one of your breasts and hold it, for example, while watching TV, lying in bed or calling.