Yoni Yoga


De-Armouring – is a technique in which stored (emotional) tensions are released from the body. Armor means armor in Dutch. Because we have been through painful experiences in the past, we 'harden' parts of ourselves, so that you can better protect yourself against a possible (emotional) blow.

De-Armouring – is a technique in which stored (emotional) tensions are released from the body. Armor means armor in Dutch. Because we have been through painful experiences in the past, we 'harden' parts of ourselves, so that you can better protect yourself against a possible (emotional) blow. As a reference, think of the classic: THE SHOULDERS; the place par excellence where excitement & fear, gets stuck. And of course the shoulders are the place where we carry 'our burden', carry on courageously... and with which we 'absorb blows'. The moment someone puts their thumbs firmly into your shoulders, it hurts, while at the same time it can also give a pleasant feeling. If someone does it too hard, instead of relaxing, you will tense up from the pain. If someone does it lovingly and in a coordinated way, you can probably hear yourself sighing with relief just at the thought of it.

Such tensions are also stored in (among others) the abdominal area, the upper legs, the pelvic area, in the vagina, and around the anus and perineum.

In the vagina

The vagina contains nerves that are connected to the entire body, nowhere are there as many nerve endings as in the woman's vagina!
The vagina has a very unique feature; if she is open and free, and is treated lovingly, she can release her tensions herself. There are all kinds of muscles in the vagina that can contract and relax. By inserting a yoni egg and remaining passive 'doing nothing', the vagina will after a while play with the egg itself to release tension.
This requires that the vagina has already released 'big old tensions', because these keep the 'armor' active, and therefore keep the vagina insensitive, untouchable and inactive. You can have a 'de-armoring' session carried out by a professional, by your partner or a good friend. You can also do a lot yourself by working with love. However, it is more difficult to completely relax and be able to access everything at the same time.
It is important that after you have de-armored, you become more aware of your sexuality and take responsibility for what your intimate parts need and how they want to be approached.
The armor is/was there for a reason.
If you remove the armor and then have negative sexual experiences, you can damage yourself even more.


It is nice to investigate for yourself which tools are useful for you.
With the egg you can massage many places externally, it is suitable for your chest area (heart), back, sacrum, buttocks, abdomen, upper legs, labia and vagia opening, with an egg with string you can massage the liver area (g spot; anger, frustration, control) by massaging the egg with your pelvic floor muscles, while pulling on the egg as hard as feels good.

I personally find a massage stick very nice for massaging your abdomen and classic acupressure points elsewhere on your body (chest, arms, legs), you can hold the sticks well and they have a round and a pointed side, so you can choose how much pressure you want to apply. An egg also has a pointed and a round side, so you can also make a good choice for the amount of pressure.

For internal use, tools with a curved end are very pleasant, they are suitable for de-armoring the vagina and anus. Here you will find the products that are suitable for this.

Deep penetration should not be painful, if it is, it is very likely that there is tension in the area of the cervix, or the uterus itself. With this tool you can reach very deeply and apply pressure against the cervix .

Make sure that your tool can warm up, you can do this by placing it in a container with warm water. You can also take your tool with you and/or first massage less intimate and non-bare body parts with it, so that it can warm up on your body.
It might also be nice to just work with your hands, your fingers/thumbs can only get tired if you want to press hard in one place for a long time.

Make sure your body is open, take all the time for this, for example with nice music in a warm room. If necessary, start dancing to music you like. Massage yourself, first your entire body, your breasts (spend a lot of time on your breasts, this is the best (most natural) way to open for many women and a neglected area for many women) and then your buttocks, abdomen and pelvic area . Using massage oil (e.g. coconut oil), you can massage the external area around your vagina (inner thighs, inner buttocks, mons pubis, labia, perineum, anus). If you feel that there is desire from your vagina and you feel that your sexual energy is flowing, then you can start working internally. If you don't feel sexual energy, I recommend that you keep your attention and massage in the area outside your vagina. Be patient, it may take a number of sessions before you feel there is a 'yes' and you feel the sexual energy flowing. This can also differ from time to time. (Female sexual energy often becomes more difficult to open during stress and tension.) It is better not to bring anything in out of willpower and/or unprepared, as this can have an adverse effect on the development of your female sexuality.

Female sexuality is generally a lot more 'shy' than male sexuality.

Start with the DE-ARMOURING METHOD: Find a place where you feel (emotional) tension, where massage feels somewhat painful/but also pleasant. The technique is to apply constant pressure to the sensitive spot, and at the same time breathe deeply 'into the spot': Breathe in: imagine that during your inhalation your breath and attention flow to the spot. As you exhale, allow the energy and attention to rest and center on the spot as you surrender and relax (into the pain) as best you can. Make sounds if it is sensitive/painful, this will help you relax into the pain.
Let yourself be carried in all this by the ground beneath you and existence in totality.
If all goes well, after a while you will feel the painful area relaxing, you will naturally breathe even deeper, you will feel relieved, and emotional emotions may be released spontaneously.

By working in this way in the abdomen, and certainly in the vagina, painful spots can disappear spontaneously. What used to hurt can suddenly start to feel ecstatic/orgasmic. Where penetration was previously unpleasant and painful and caused tension, space and desire can suddenly arise.

By feeling, slowing down and examining yourself in this way, you will also learn to better manage sexual partners if they want to open your sexual energy. You will have a better sense of where love, attention and delay are needed, and which way suits you.


The back, shoulders, sacrum & buttocks.
They can be de-armored very well by lying on an egg on a yoga mat (and not a mattress), look for a sensitive spot, place the egg under you, between your body and the yoga mat, Gently give your weight to the egg while breathing deeply and relaxing. Move the egg to a new place when you are ready.

Vagina – consists of different zones:
The opening
Externally massaging and touching the opening is associated in Taoism with the kidneys, fear and letting go, this is also the area of sexual energy, by massaging here carefully and well you will desire in your vagina / the 'yes ' can evoke feelings.
The g-spot is located behind the pelvic bone, when you have just entered your vagina. De-armoring by hand for this depth is actually best done by someone else. You can hook your fingers behind your pelvic bone and apply pressure. In Taoism, the g-spot is associated with the liver, and the emotions of anger, power and lust, but also frustration. You can massage the g-spot area with a curved tool . Another way to massage this area is to insert an egg with a string and pull the string while the egg remains (just) inside. Working in this area can give me more self-awareness, stimulate life energy and develop more kindness towards yourself.
Middle of vagina
In Taoism it is associated with the Stomach & Spleen, physically this includes the muscles of your entire body. And so muscle tension (stress), here you will also find the relationship with other armor throughout the body. Working in this area will give you more stability and connection with yourself, your body, and help you feel better and attune with your own body. If you insert a yoni egg, this is the area where your vagina is likely to play with the egg on its own.
Deep vagina
This is the area in the vagina where your cervix is. In Taoism this is associated with the Lungs. In Taoism this is the organ of sadness, mourning and (emotional) pain, but also the feeling of insecurity. Working in this area will help you in your confidence and happiness, releasing emotions will bring a sense of relief.
This is a place you really don't want to work until the whole body is relaxed and open.
The cervix is associated with the heart and feelings of love, bliss and joy. The cervix is an area that can be extremely painful if tensions are present, and if these are resolved, an enormous ecstatic feeling can arise, or even a cervix orgasm. The cervix is a place that can very well be dearmoured during penetration. It is very important that your partner has patience and works calmly. Deep penetration, where your partner remains deeply present for a long time (and does not actually thrust) is essential. Look for the pain and lie there together in an embrace, breathe deeply in and out and try to relax in the pain. If it hurts too much, your partner can apply a little less pressure.
With a long dildo or the large curved tool you can also get deep apply pressure in your vagina.
If you have a pleasant male sexual partner, you can ask him to go deep inside you with his penis, lie still and apply gentle pressure to the places where it is painful for you. Breathe deeply into the painful area, and try to give voice to what you feel. The moment you release tension, it is very likely that this will be a very intimate and erotic sensation for your partner (and for you).
Don't be alarmed if you become sad or angry, simply allow the emotion to flow, and see if you can be supported by your partner's loving presence. It is very normal that (old) emotions are released, so do not let this deter you. It may be important to tell your partner this in advance. It can also be nice to bite something or growl, so you can shape and transform tensions. (Jaw and pelvis are connected in different ways).

Anus/ perineum
This is a typical zone where tension builds up associated with 'fear' and difficulty with 'letting go' (control).
The de-armoring of this area is best done with your hands. Make sure you have a good portion of oil. Latex gloves may be nice, because they feel softer for your sensitive anus than the structure of your bare hands.
Use plenty of lubricant and take your time. Insert your index finger (only when you feel the desire to do so) very calmly and slowly (while massaging). If you do this too quickly, it will probably hurt, so take your time. When you are ready, grab the sphincter of your anus between your thumb and index finger and hold it firmly where it is sensitive. You can work the bell around, also passing your perineum. You can also stretch your anus by pulling your hand to a certain side, you can also work with this around the clock.
Find where the tension makes it sensitive/painful, and pay loving and gentle attention there, until you feel it relax.
It is very nice to have someone else do this.
It is also nice to use this massage spoon for this.

What else can you do? | Support the process!

To support the process of de-armouring, it is important to create more vitality, sensitivity and awareness in the pelvic floor. That is why it can be very valuable, in addition to releasing tension, to also do exercises that support the awareness and vitality of the pelvic floor. >.