Yoni Yoga

The Wisdom of Menstruation

In this article, I will delve deeper into the meaning of menstruation

The menstrual cycle as a deeper look at Letting-go and Connection

Menstruation plays an important role in the awareness of female sexuality. It is a period of letting go and connecting with our bodies and the natural cycles of life. In this article I will delve deeper into the meaning of menstruation, the relationship between the menstrual cycle and the moon phases, the signals our bodies give during this time, the science behind breast pain and hormonal changes, and why I believe collecting menstrual blood outside the body can contribute to a lighter and less painful menstruation.

What is menstruation?

Usually the start of menstruation is seen as the beginning of the female cycle. During menstruation, the uterine lining that has built up in the previous period is shed by the body. This is usually accompanied by bleeding. This mucous membrane can also be broken down by the body without visible menstruation (this is also called “dry breakthrough bleeding” or “silent menstruation”). In Taoism it is believed that with great physical, emotional and spiritual health, menstruation will be less heavy, and that less blood and less energy will be lost during menstruation. Yoni Yoga as a Taoist tradition is aimed at training to cultivate and maintain vital energy. The symbol for conservation of vital energy in Taoism is the conservation of blood for women, and for men the conservation of sperm during orgasm.

During the female cycle, the two hormones Estrogen and Progesterone play an important role. The latter has the greatest influence on menstruation. After ovulation, a gland-like structure in the ovaries (the corpus luteum, which is created by the empty egg follicle) releases large amounts of progesterone. This progesterone prepares the uterus for a possible pregnancy, which builds up the uterine lining. If fertilization takes place, the fertilized egg implants in the uterine lining in 6-10 days. If this does not happen, the corpus luteum will reduce the amount of progesterone released after 6-10 days. This reduction will signal the body to start menstruation and shed the uterine lining.

Menstruation as a period of Letting-go

Menstruation is a difficult period for many women, but this time can be used for your well-being and you can use this time as a period to let go and restore yourself. It is an opportunity for our body to get rid of what it no longer needs. Just as trees shed their leaves in the fall, women shed their leaves during menstruation. This is a moment in the moon(d) to take a loving moment to reflect on yourself. It is therefore helpful to take this into account in your agenda. Give yourself space to rest and reflect during this period. And to stop carrying on for a moment…

Even if your work does not allow it, you may be able to schedule space for yourself in your free time, and if you have children, ask your partner or friends to relieve you.

Lie on the couch with a cup of tea and a hot water bottle on your stomach, reflecting on how you are now.

The relationship between Menstruation and the Phases of the Moon

The connection between the menstrual cycle and the moon phases is often discussed. The menstrual cycle lasts on average as long as the cycle of the moon. Both the subtle difference in gravity and the difference in light during the nights, both of which are related to the cycle of the moon, affect your body. If you live close to nature, or in contact with your body, it is very likely that your period will occur on the new or full moon. Some people believe that menstruating during the full moon can strengthen emotional and spiritual strength, while menstruating during the new moon focuses more on inner reflection and introspection. By reflecting on both the cycle and the moon, as your inner cycle, you can develop a deeper understanding of how you feel during different parts of your cycle.
Some women feel more energetic and emotionally stable during the full moon, while others prefer the peace of the new moon. It's worth experimenting and discovering which phase suits you best.

If you take the pill and can choose the moment of menstruation, I advise you to make a conscious choice that suits the phase of the moon.

How heavy is your period, and how can you interpret?

The heaviness of your period can reveal a lot about what the past period has been like for you. If you have experienced a lot of stress, have had little connection with your body and/or if there has been a lot of hustle and bustle, your period may be heavier. This is the body that sends signals and reminds us of the importance of self-care and balance in our lives.

If you have a heavy period, pay extra attention to relaxing and letting go in the 2 weeks before your period.

Hormone balance, sore breasts, back problems and PMS

It is the hormone balance that is responsible for our cycle. It is also the hormones that play a major role in the differences in how we feel physically, emotionally and mentally during our cycle. Many women experience symptoms such as sore breasts, back problems, mood swings and cramps. This is caused by fluctuations in hormone levels, especially estrogen and progesterone.

A healthy woman in balance moves in tune with her capacity and will often experience fewer negative symptoms during her cycle thanks to her healthy lifestyle, diet and sufficient exercise.

Collecting the menstrual blood

Finally, I want to talk about the best way to collect menstrual blood. Many women use tampons or menstrual cups. In my own process I am increasingly discovering how important it is to keep the menstrual blood 'outside the body' as much as possible. to catch. What I learn and hear from the experience of other women confirms this.
Since I started collecting the blood of my menstruation outside my body, I bleed considerably less, for a shorter period of time, and have less pain during menstruation. p>

I am not in favor of menstrual cups or tampons. If you have the choice, I recommend collecting the blood outside the body with cotton.

By using (washable) sanitary towels or cotton cloths, you give your body the opportunity to let the blood flow naturally. This can make the process less difficult and painful. If you have a lot of pain or cramps, the presence of a tampon or menstrual cub can make these complaints more severe.>beautiful menstrual products from EcoFemme to sell.

Furthermore, using menstrual pads or cotton cloths provides more insight into how your bleeding is progressing. For example, you can easily feel when your flow increases (and perhaps you need to take it slower) or when you need to change. You can also see better what type of blood you release at certain times during your period.

The color and texture of the blood

Bright red blood, a sign of health

In general, bright red blood is seen as a sign of a healthy and well-functioning menstruation. Dark red blood may indicate that blood drainage is less smooth. The main reason for this is the oxidation of the blood. If the uterus can drain the blood quickly and smoothly, the blood will be bright red. If the blood remains in the uterus for a longer period of time, the blood turns darker.

At the beginning and end of menstruation it is normal for the blood to be somewhat darker in color, because the drainage process often happens more slowly.

During menstruation, the lining of the uterus (the endometrium) is shed. Especially if the uterine lining is thicker than normal, this can cause more lumps, tissue or clots. The appearance of this may be somewhat fleshy and slightly translucent, somewhat pink.

The blood can also form clots if it remains in the uterus for a long time. These clots are darker in color, not transparent, and somewhat thicker and more jelly-like than the tissue of the uterus.

If you notice that your blood is darker in color and contains more clots, you can bring more attention to the process of letting go and relaxing your body.


Menstruation is much more than just a physical discomfort. It is an opportunity to connect with our inner cycles, our emotions and our bodies. By using this time consciously and paying attention to the signals our body gives us, we can develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.

So,let's embrace the wisdom of menstruation and see it as an opportunity for growth and transformation.