Yoni Yoga

Yoni egg doesn't stay put | Why is that?

If you work with a yoni egg, in some cases the egg may not remain in your vagina when you insert it. In this article you can read what this could be due to. Many women think that they have to work with a larger egg, but that is

If you work with a yoni egg, in some cases the egg may not remain in your vagina when you insert it. In this article you can read what this could be due to.

Many women think that they have to work with a larger egg, but that is usually not the case. That is why in this article I provide some clues that may help you investigate why the egg does not remain in your vagina.

I think the most important thing is to first feel whether the egg really doesn't stay in there, or whether it is pushed out.
If you work lying down, which I certainly recommend in the beginning, so that you can feel better in and connect with your body and vagina, then it is unlikely that the egg will fall out if the pelvic floor muscles are weak. it is more likely that the vagina will push the egg out.

If you notice that the egg stays in when you lie down and falls out when you stand, then it is likely that your pelvic floor muscles are too weak (too inactive) to hold the egg, then I would recommend a larger size egg. would like to recommend.

There are several reasons why the egg is 'pushed out of your vagina', for example because your vagina is not ready or does not feel like it when you try to insert it. Or more importantly; that your vagina requires attention around the opening (kidney area (basis of sexuality)), instead of deeper inside.

The more you work and experiment with the egg, you will notice that your vagina has its own program and its own 'mood states', these are often related to your own state of mind, such as your level of stress and/or relaxation , but also where you are in your cycle. Sometimes the egg will be willingly absorbed deeply, while other times it will be pushed out immediately. This can also be for entire periods in your life. The trick (and in my opinion the most important exercise) is to learn to listen to this and to bring attention where it is needed at that moment.

For the latter, the size of the egg does not matter much, and you mainly work at a level of consciousness. You will notice that (as) your vagina (it becomes more active and awake) will often push or pull the egg to the place where 'she' 'wants' the egg.

I think that we women in our society insert things into our vaginas far too easily, without the vagina being ready or excited enough for this. Think of: tampons, the moon cup, fingers, a partner's penis, the (sometimes traumatic) internal examination for a smear test, let alone the usually traumatic insertion and removal of an IUD. I am convinced that every time such an activity takes place, the sensitivity of the vagina recedes slightly and hardens, reducing its vitality, self-healing capacity and liveliness.

I still use tampons myself, but I do so less and less, because I notice that insertion is almost never done in coordination with my vagina, and the more I become aware of the above, the more I feel that it is not right with how, in my opinion, we should deal with our femininity and our sensitivity.

The previously mentioned suggestions are elaborated on below:

  1. no point/ trauma I think it is very important, after you have massaged and opened yourself, to stand still/rest/breathe for a longer period of time with the egg at the vaginal mouth, to to connect, you can possibly apply very light pressure, so that you can clearly feel the presence and energy of the stone. You can then ask your vagina whether the egg is welcome, take time to feel whether there is a real 'yes' or (un)clear 'no'. If there is a 'no', you may be able to feel whether more time is needed, or whether this day and/or this moment is not suitable for your vagina. If the moment is not suitable, try to respect this, even if this is the case 3 times in a row. Perhaps there is disappointment or discouragement, that is also an exercise in which your vagina will enter a process in which it can restore the feeling of being respected. Fortunately, you can do all kinds of other loving things with the egg, such as massaging your belly, feeling the energy in different places on your belly (including uterus and ovaries), heart or elsewhere.
    It is also important to know that a lot of (collective) trauma is stored in the vagina, which can surface. Even if you have not had any problems with sexuality for years, there may come a period in your life when attention is required for this. . Great transformation can then take place through loving attention and respect in the above-mentioned manner.
    When does the vagina make sense? In general, in the exercise with the yoni egg, it is said that the vagina should actually ingest/suck up the egg on its own, without you applying any special pressure to the egg. This is still a station too far for me, but I have experienced many women where this was the case. And perhaps this is good to keep in mind. If the egg is slurped up, you can be sure that it will not simply fall out again.
  2. not ready It may be that your vagina is not yet aroused, open/awake enough to allow the egg to enter, if this is the case, and your vagina is active and connected enough , then she will push the egg out. You can then spend more time massaging (with an egg) your breasts and heart area, your abdomen, the inside of your thighs/legs, buttocks, labia, clitoris, and especially the vaginal mouth. If you feel that your body and vagina are more open, you can see whether if you offer the egg again there is a 'yes'.
  3. attention to the vaginal opening The reflexology of the vagina in Taoism is associated with the reflexology of the entire body, and the physical 5 organ(s), the opening of the vagina is associated with the kidneys (and bladder), which are directly related with the sexual organs and sexual energy (logical, right?). The element that belongs to this is water. It is appropriate that the vagina often becomes moist when lovingly massaging (with the egg) the clitoris, vaginal mouth and labia. The emotion linked to the kidneys is fear/doubt, which can be transformed into calmness/mildness; It is often important to reflect on this emotion during the massage of this area.
  4. your vagina is done with it Usually when you have used the egg for a while, you will notice after a short or longer period of time that the egg is pushed out independently. This can also happen while laughing, sneezing or going to the toilet. Usually this is a sign from your vagina that it was enough for now, and that you are done with the exercise. Try to thank your vagina (and possibly the egg) for what it has done (for you), and respect that that is it for today. Unless the egg came out by laughing, sneezing or going to the toilet, and you feel that you were not done with it yet, then you can carefully bring the egg back in.

I would like to advise you as a reader to first experiment with the above information and investigate what causes the egg to emerge. So that you can get to know your yoni and sexuality better during this research.

And if you can't figure it out yourself, please feel free to contact me.