Yoni Yoga

Help my yoni egg is stuck! | What can you do?

It's a shock if your yoni egg doesn't come out on its own. It can happen to you that the string breaks and when you squat the egg does not come out. What then? Even if you are used to working with an egg without a string, and you normally do it without any problems

It's scary if your yoni egg doesn't come out on its own.
It can happen to you that the string breaks and when you squat the egg does not come out. What then?

Even if you are used to working with an egg without a string, and you can normally let the egg come out without any problems, it may happen to you that one day your vagina decides otherwise and has absorbed the egg deeply. and it doesn't want to come out anymore.

Although you may be shocked and not sure what to do next, it is very nice that you are now reading this and realize that the shock and perhaps fear actually causes your pelvic floor muscles to tighten, which ensures that the egg sits even higher in the vagina and becomes more difficult to come out.

The most important thing is therefore first of all to accept the current situation and relax as much as possible, even if this evokes emotions, take the time you need to do so. This is what it is now, and there is not much going on (you will read about it later ;-)).

Although I don't recommend deliberately keeping the egg in for a long time, it can't hurt if the egg is in your vagina for a maximum of about 3 days. If the egg has not managed to come out naturally by then, I recommend that you make an appointment with your doctor. He or she easily retrieves the egg with a duck's beak. If you do not like or find it uncomfortable to go to your own GP, you can also choose to make an appointment at a GP post in the evening or at the weekend. You will probably not be the first to seek the help of a doctor with such an intimate problem.

It is also nice to know that the mouth of your uterus is properly closed, even if you have already given birth, this mouth remains only slightly open. Just an egg won't fit through there. So even if you can no longer feel the egg with your fingers, you don't have to worry that it has traveled all the way into your uterus.

But what can you do to make the egg hatch naturally?

If the string is broken, and you are used to getting the egg out by pulling the string, you might want to start by trying what women do who work without a string:
You squat down and try to relax your entire body and pelvis as best as possible. Take your time for this, and if your vagina itself is ready with the egg, it may come out on its own, simply by doing this position & gravity. If that doesn't work, you can first press gently and later a little harder. Everyone who has given birth knows what pushing is, but for other women: Pushing is a little bit like the pressure you give when you are pooping, but it comes more from your stomach and abdominal muscles. You may be able to do this while you are doing this. insert a finger to see if you can feel the egg, and guide it as it comes out (a little).

The most important thing is that you relax and take your time.
Therefore, turn on some music that you find pleasant and relaxing, and make sure you are in a warm, comfortable room with dimmed lighting.
It can also help you to massage your pelvic area, buttocks, thighs, perineum and anus with coconut oil, for example.
The essence is that you relax your muscles so that your yoni can release the egg itself.

If you find it difficult to relax in a squatting position, you can also sit on your knees, with your buttocks above your heels. You can support yourself on your hands while sitting like this. You can also support yourself well in this position. give pressure.

Because your posture is vertical, gravity helps!

Showering or taking a bath to relax your body and pelvis are also recommended, and you can also make your yoni nice and warm by placing a hot water bottle between your legs.

Classically, the egg often pops out when you have to sneeze, laugh or when you sit on the toilet and let your pee flow in a relaxed manner. All actions that match the muscle movements & The tension you make when sneezing, laughing, urinating and defecating will therefore help you to release the egg.

I hope you can do something with this, and if it doesn't work, you can always call for (emotional) support.