Yoni Yoga

Information about the yoni egg

The yoni egg has a healing and vitalizing effect on the woman's pelvic area. This crystal egg is inserted into the vagina, after which you can do exercises that make the pelvic area more sensitive, stronger and more aware. You can also insert the egg without doing any specific exercises

The yoni egg has a healing and vitalizing effect on the woman's pelvic area. This crystal egg is inserted into the vagina, after which you can do exercises that make the pelvic area more sensitive, stronger and more aware. You can also insert the egg without doing any specific exercises, you will then notice that your vagina will 'play' with the egg in the way that is necessary for your intimate area at that moment. Using a yoni egg will strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. In addition, the egg helps to resolve emotional tensions and trauma around the pelvic area. This has many benefits for the health, sensitivity, vitality and emotional well-being of us women. Using the egg can provide a solution for incontinence and aid recovery after pregnancy.

History and Origins

Yoni is the word for sacred temple, vagina, primordial source or womb in Sanskrit, it is the symbol for the Goddess and the holy mother. The yoni egg was used by the Taoists to exercise and strengthen the muscles in the pelvic floor and vagina. According to them, the area around the pelvic floor is the source of a healthy, long and happy life. The Taoists originally use eggs from Jade (nephrite). Jade is known for the purifying and harmonizing effect that the stone is said to have and thus brings the area around the pelvic floor into balance. The vagina is therefore also called the jade temple in Taoism. Beginners are always advised to start practicing with a Jade egg.

A trained pelvic floor enhances the pleasure and sensitivity of the entire body, which you will also notice during sex. In addition, a trained pelvic floor ensures that sexual energy can be transformed into healing and revitalizing energy for the entire body and can improve general health. The Taoists view menstruation & the orgasm as the loss of vital energy. Through Taoist practice, meditation and also working with the egg, menstruation (and any menstrual complaints) can become less and even absent, while the cycle of fertility and building and breaking down the mucous membranes in the vagina is maintained.</p >

SIZE of the yoni egg

A standard Yoni egg is the size of a small chicken egg (M). A larger egg is easier to feel (L), and suitable for women with weak pelvic floor muscles, or for women who have become mothers. Women with tight pelvic floor muscles, or women who are more trained/practiced, work with a smaller egg (S or XS). The more you practice, the smaller the egg will be that you can feel and consciously move in your vagina.

USES of the yoni egg

– Before use – 

Always clean your egg before use with a PH-neutral soap and/or warm water. Before using for the first time, you can bring the egg to the boil in a pan of water for a few minutes, but be careful with large temperature fluctuations. Do not do this with types of quartz, because they can crack due to temperature fluctuations. Furthermore, quartz has a very dense glass-like structure, which, like glass, is not porous and does not absorb bacteria. If you want to heat the egg, it is important to heat the water with egg slowly and let it cool slowly. Serpentine (which is often sold as jade) is slightly porous, which is why it is advisable to heat this stone occasionally to kill any bacteria that may be deeper in the stone.

– String – 

Especially for the first use, it can be nice to use an egg with a hole. Thread a string through that hole so you can remove the egg. After you have been able to bring the egg out a few times without manual help and are confident in doing so, you can use the egg without a string. You can also see by the string whether you can move the egg up and down. You can also do 'strength' exercises, for example try to pull the egg up into your vagina while gently pulling on the string. You can also hang the supplied bag on the string and put a 'small weight' in it, then you can try to make the bag rock by tightening your pelvic floor muscles (left/right front/back).

– Take your time –

Always take plenty of time to work with the egg, be kind to yourself and wait for your vagina to absorb the egg itself. Do not insert the egg out of willpower, as this will only build up more tension in your vagina. It is also possible that you insert the egg and it pops out on its own, maybe this only happens after you have practiced for a while, but maybe this happens right away. Try to respect this. If it happens right away, try contracting your pelvic floor muscles a few times while inserting the egg. Try to hold the egg for a few seconds and then let go. Do this a number of times and be satisfied with this for the first time, your vagina will have its reasons for not wanting to keep the egg in for long. As you exercise your pelvic floor muscles every now and then (even without an egg), and they become stronger, you will eventually be able to hold the egg in for longer.

– Insertion – 

Take inserting the egg all the time. It is best to start by massaging your entire body. You can use the egg to massage your body (acupressure). You can lie on the egg with your back and shoulders (always place the egg under the muscles, and not under the bones). This is a very convenient way to bring the egg up to temperature. You can also bring the egg up to temperature by placing it under the warm tap. Massage your abdomen with the egg and then massage your groin areas, pubic bone, and labia (good for blood circulation). Let the egg rest around your clitoris and against your vaginal mouth. You can then massage the muscles around your vaginal mouth by gently turning the egg in circles. When you are sufficiently aroused, rest the egg with the convex side against the opening of your vagina and wait until your vagina swallows the egg. Practice with the egg in for too long, especially in the beginning, 10 to 15 minutes. Conscious practice is (in my opinion) always preferable to leaving the egg in while you sleep or are not consciously present.

– Removal –

Are you done with the exercises? , or if you want to remove the egg, squat down in a relaxed position and wait until the egg comes out naturally. This will not happen automatically, especially in the beginning. You can press a little with your pelvic floor muscles, or if you have a string attached to the egg, you can gently pull on the string. See if you can let your vagina do the work as much as possible.

CLEANING the yoni egg after use

Wash the egg under the tap after use. If your egg is pierced, you can clean the hole every time after use by taking water in your mouth and 'blowing' it through the hole.
Read more about cleaning in this article.