Yoni Yoga


Estrogen is an important hormone for the health of the yoni (uterus, ovaries and vagina). Estrogen stimulates blood supply and circulation in the pelvic area, thereby ensuring proper hydration and elasticity of the vaginal walls. A good estrogen balance is therefore important for a vital and well-functioning yoni and therefore sexual health.

Estrogen is an important hormone for the health of the yoni (uterus, ovaries and vagina). Estrogen stimulates blood supply and circulation in the pelvic area, thereby ensuring proper hydration and elasticity of the vaginal walls. A good estrogen balance is therefore important for a vital and well-functioning yoni and therefore sexual health. Conversely, a yoni egg can strengthen the pelvic floor and improve blood flow to the pelvic area. This in turn can support estrogen balance.

Estrogen is actually a collective name for a group of hormones that are mainly produced in the ovaries in women, but also to a lesser extent in other organs such as the adrenal glands and fat tissue. It is an important hormone that regulates various functions in the body.

During puberty in girls, the production of estrogen increases significantly, which ensures the development of breasts, pubic hair, the maturation of the uterus and ovaries and the start of the menstrual cycle. The uterus and ovaries become significantly larger during this period, and the ovaries produce significantly more estrogen. Once menstruation has started, the hormone regulates the monthly growth of the uterine lining and the release of an egg during ovulation.

In addition, estrogen also regulates other important functions in the body, such as bone density, cholesterol levels, mood and the immune system. It also affects the cardiovascular system, and can affect blood pressure and blood clotting. It also plays a role in maintaining healthy skin and healthy hair.

During (and after) menopause, the production of estrogen and progesterone decreases. No more eggs are released, and significantly less estrogen is released by the ovaries. This has several physiological effects. Click here for more information about menopause.

A deficiency or excess of estrogen can lead to various health problems, such as infertility, osteoporosis, mood swings, early menopause, endometriosis and various forms of cancer. That is why it is important that the level of estrogen in the body is balanced.
Use the links if you want to improve your estrogen hormone levels, if you have decreased estrogen levels or increased estrogen levels suspect or have.

All in all, estrogen plays a valuable role in our womanhood. It is essential for the development and maintenance of our body and has a wide range of functions that keep us beautiful and healthy. Let's take good care of ourselves so that our body can keep this special hormone in the best possible balance.