Yoni Yoga

Weak or underactive pelvic floor?

What is the difference between a weak or an underactive pelvic floor? A weak pelvic floor and an underactive pelvic floor are two different conditions that can occur in women and men. With a weak pelvic floor, the pelvic floor muscles are weak and do not function properly, while with an underactive pelvic floor, the pelvic floor muscles are tense but not strong

What is the difference between a weak or an underactive pelvic floor?

A weak pelvic floor and an underactive pelvic floor are two different conditions that can occur in women and men. With a weak pelvic floor, the pelvic floor muscles are weak and do not function properly, while with an underactive pelvic floor, the pelvic floor muscles are tense. but not strong enough to support and control the pelvic organs.

What is the cause?

An underactive pelvic floor can be caused by poor posture, sedentary lifestyle, chronic pelvic pain or excessive pelvic floor training. This can lead to various symptoms, such as urinary or fecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, difficulty urinating or defecating, and sexual dysfunction.

A weak pelvic floor is often caused by pregnancy, childbirth, obesity, aging or a lack of exercise.

What can you do if you have a weak pelvic floor?

It is important to understand which condition applies because treatment may differ. If you have a weak pelvic floor, training and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles through yoni yoga, pelvic floor physiotherapy, yoga or Pilates can help get the muscles back into good health. If you train the pelvic floor intensively and on one side, you run the risk of switching from a weak pelvic floor to an under-active pelvic floor. Practicing yoni yoga resolves this risk.

What can you do with an under-active pelvic floor?

With an underactive pelvic floor, it is important to actively relax the muscles in addition to training, and especially to learn to isolate them from each other. Especially here, Yoni Yoga can offer an important solution, because the exercises are ideally aimed at learning to contract different muscle groups independently of each other. In addition to Yoni Yoga, it is important to improve muscle strength through exercise, pelvic floor physiotherapy or yoga.

It is always important to consult a doctor to make the correct diagnosis and determine the most effective treatment.