Yoni Yoga

Urinary loss

Urinary loss is a common female discomfort. Urinary leakage usually occurs when sneezing, laughing or jumping. This is the reason for many women who start working with a yoni egg. I am convinced that working with an egg is a very good choice for this, but it is important to

Urinary loss is a common female discomfort. Urinary leakage usually occurs when sneezing, laughing or jumping. This is the reason for many women who start working with a yoni egg.

I am convinced that working with an egg is a very good choice for this, but it is important to be aware of a number of things before you 'just' start TRAINING, because this can also lead to a worsening of the problems.

The loss of urine can be caused by both an underactive pelvic floor (weakened muscles) and an overactive pelvic floor (muscles that are too tense).

When there is continuously too much tension in the pelvic floor muscles, this restricts the blood flow and the activity of nerve pathways in this area, which, in addition to urine loss, causes painful and heavy can cause menstrual periods or problems with passing both urine and feces. In addition to an overactive pelvic floor, there can also be an underactive pelvic floor (not being able to contract the right muscles), which means that in addition to involuntary urine loss (not specifically when sneezing, coughing or laughing), there is little noticeable sensation in the vagina. An underactive pelvic floor also hinders good health and vitality of the female genital organs.

In Taoism and Tantra, healthy sexuality (and therefore pelvic health) is seen as the source of a vital and healthy life.

If you start working with the egg, it is important that you become aware that the pelvic floor consists of a multitude of muscles and muscle layers. As you practice with the egg correctly, you will learn how your vagina can move the different muscles separately. You learn to tense and relax different muscles, and you learn how the different muscles can store and discharge (emotional) tension. That is why it is very important, in addition to active (targeted) exercises (yang/masculine), to also do relaxing exercises that focus on what you can feel, follow your own desire from within and add movement, breathing and sound to. 

Overactive Pelvic Floor

With an overactive pelvic floor, it is usually the outermost muscle layers that have a lot of tension. It may also be that the (lower) abdominal muscles and/or buttocks are very tense. The balance with the deeper muscle layers is lost, so to speak, and the outer muscles do all the work in an almost 'spasmodic' manner. Deeper in the vagina it can be flaccid and insensitive.

Symptoms may include:

  • Urine loss during exertion: jumping, sneezing, laughing
  • Heavy and/or painful menstruation with many cramps
  • Insensitive vagina
  • A tight start to your vagina
  • Pain during sex
  • possibly Vaginismus
  • Difficulty relaxing the vagina after contracting muscles
  • Difficulty defecating, both urine and feces and/or often feeling the need/urgency.

Causes can be:

  • There can be all kinds of causes for an overactive pelvic floor, but in my opinion the tendency is to want to keep everything (mental, emotional or physical) under control. (sexual) Trauma is, in my opinion, one of the most important reasons.
  • In addition, excessive exercise, with too little attention paid to relaxation, can be a cause.
  • The body has learned that active control is safe, and that relaxing and surrendering is unsafe for you.

What can you do?

  • If you have an overactive pelvic floor, it is always advisable to learn to relax in the pelvic area, an important exercise is abdominal breathing, search the internet for this.
  • When you work with the egg, concentrate on feeling where it is and what the presence of the yoni egg does to you. You can move the egg with the string.
  • Jyou can train the deeper muscles by squeezing in, above and below the egg with your muscles (then relax thoroughly). If you don't feel the egg (yet), you can initially imagine it.
  • A valuable exercise can be to (if necessary) insert the egg deeply with your finger, and then push the egg out with your own pelvic floor muscles. Afterwards, consciously spend time relaxing and feeling what this does to you.
  • De-armoring/ Professional help from a pelvic floor specialist, and/or de-armoring, be careful with professional help in the 'tantra corner', go to a professional pelvic floor specialist. (And I recommend asking for help from a woman). You can also perform the armoring yourself (or have it done by your partner).
  • It is important to learn to recognize where the tension is stored in you, it can be difficult to locate this in the beginning, so help from a professional is useful, who can help you on your way.
  • BE CAREFUL with 'just tightening your pelvic floor' (kegels), because you will probably tighten the muscles that are already tight even more.
  • Therefore, when practicing with the egg, try to focus on isolating different muscles in your vagina: left, right, bottom, middle, top. This may be difficult at first, but practice makes perfect. Pay extra attention to relaxation between practices; breathe deeply, for example with abdominal breathing, and pay attention to how and where you feel something, what is moving, etc.
  • If you feel your vagina starting to tighten, try to actively relax, squeeze and push out the egg/energy to release the tension, and remove the egg if necessary.

Underactive pelvic floor

With an underactive pelvic floor, the muscles in the pelvic floor are completely underdeveloped and less sensitive than with a healthy pelvic floor.

Symptoms may include:

  • Urinary loss with an underactive pelvic floor is without you realizing it; you really have no control over it, and you don't lose urine especially at times of exertion. For example, when you step aside, or when you jump.
  • Flack and insensitive vagina
  • Vaginal dryness, and therefore pain during sex, it can feel rough and burning.
  • Prolapse

Causes can be:

  • Negative sexual experiences, but also negative emotional and physical experiences, have disrupted the natural connection with your pelvic area. These experiences can cause passivity (dissociation) in the pelvic floor area, as well as resistance, where fear and tension literally store themselves there, as it were. If you feel that negative (sexual) experiences play a role in your problems with urine loss, I would recommend contacting one of the teachers/therapists mentioned on my website.
  • Dissociation of the pelvic area
  • Too little physical activity, and neglect of the pelvic area.

What can you do?

  • Actively work with the egg. It can be difficult to learn independently what your vagina is not yet familiar with because you may not yet have a reference for what it might feel like, so I recommend being guided by women who know the way.
  • Focus on learning to isolate the different muscles in your pelvic floor, and not simply learn to contract/relax, otherwise you run the risk of going from an underactive pelvic floor to an overactive pelvic floor.
  • For example, purchase the Audio recording of Saida Desilets – Jade Egg Practice.
  • Participate in an (online) course where you learn to work with the yoni egg. The teachers on my website almost all offer (online) courses and workshops, and you can also ask for individual guidance so that you can practice that suit you specifically.