Yoni Yoga

What's in it for the man?

Yoni Yoga is intended as yoga for the female genitals, and is based on female sexuality and anatomy. Still, what Yoni Yoga has to offer can be super valuable for men. The essence of Yoni Yoga is about becoming aware of and cultivating the vital energy in the pelvic area.

Yoni Yoga is intended as yoga for the female genitals, and is based on female sexuality and anatomy. Still, what Yoni Yoga has to offer can be super valuable for men. The essence of Yoni Yoga is about becoming aware of and cultivating the vital energy in the pelvic area. For men, doing exercises from Yoni Yoga can be valuable. Both men and women can benefit from awareness in the pelvic area, and healthy and relaxed pelvic floor muscles. The big difference is that the man will not use a yoni egg for this. As a result, the exercises can sometimes require a little more of his imagination.

Men have a pelvic floor just like women, and can experience problems due to imbalances.

A healthy pelvic floor generally ensures a healthy and more profound sexual experience.

With knowledge from yoni yoga, men can also increase their vitality. He can find solutions for physical problems such as stiffness and pain in the pelvis or back. Or he can find a solution for sexual dysfunction associated with imbalances in the body's most vital muscle group… the pelvic floor.

Good vitality of the pelvic floor ensures a deeper sexual experience. It ensures that the man is more in control of his sexuality, both achieving an erection and preventing premature ejaculation. And as icing on the cake, it ensures that the man can connect better and deeper emotionally and physically with his partner during (among other things) sexuality).

In addition, I think this website has another function for the man can have. Understanding yoni yoga can help him better understand his female partner's sexuality. In this way he can help her experience a deeper feminine sexuality.

What are the differences in sexuality between men & woman

In sexuality as most men and women experience it in their community, there is an essential difference between man and woman: For men, the penis and scrotum in particular play a role in sexual experience and stimulation, while for the woman (usually), the entire pelvic area, including buttocks and breasts often plays an important role. Many women need to relax the entire body first, and relaxation of the (pelvic floor) muscles is an important requirement to become deeply aroused.

There are no muscles in the penis, the organ is pure erectile body, and is directly connected to sexual pleasure and expression. Although there are certainly muscle groups associated with the proper functioning and pleasure of the penis, it is generally easier for men to stimulate blood flow to the penis, while for women it is important that the muscle groups that stimulate sexual organs are relaxed, so that a good blood supply to the pelvic area is established. Afterwards, the woman's extensive and pleasure-giving erectile tissue system (of which most only know the clitoris) can become supplied with blood and swell. For a woman this takes an average of 45 minutes, while for a man it generally takes much less time.
Due to the better blood flow, you often see the color change around the woman's vulva when she is excited.

When you talk about imbalance of the pelvic floor, then both an underactive and weak pelvic floor occur in men, as well as an overactive and tense pelvic floor. Please note; these are 4 different conditions of the pelvic floor. Women have these complaints more often than men (see physiological differences between men and women). With the comment that for men, compared to women, there is more often too much tension in the pelvic floor than too little.

A lax or under-active pelvic floor pelvic floor.

Click on the link to learn more about a lax or underactive pelvic floor, and understand the difference. The article in question discusses this topic in detail, although it is written for women, many aspects are also relevant for men. Below I focus on information for men. In men, the cause is more often due to insufficient exercise, too much sitting, and a poor diet. Dissociation of the pelvic area due to (sexual) trauma can also cause a passive and weak pelvic floor in men, but is less common in men than in women.

Both imbalances can cause physiological complaints for men, see below I will discuss this further.

  1. Incontinence / uncontrolled urine - or loss of stool.
  2. The pelvic floor plays an important role in maintaining an erection and regulating blood flow to the penis. A weak pelvic floor can lead to erection problems, reduced sexual performance, and/or reduced libido.
  3. A weakened pelvic floor can lead to pain or discomfort in the pelvic area, including the groin, testicles and penis, with in the worst cases prolapse.
  4. A weak pelvic floor can lead to excessive tension on the prostate and can result in chronic prostate pain. A weak or underactive pelvic floor also has less blood flow to the prostate, which can cause prostate problems such as prostatitis, prostate pain and prostate enlargement.
  5. The pelvic floor also plays a role in digestion and bowel movements. If the pelvic floor muscles are too weak, this can lead to constipation.

The causes of an underactive or weak pelvic floor for men (just like for women) vary, although there are some differences. A bad lifestyle is the cause that you can do the most about: Lack of exercise, sitting too much, wrong posture, too heavy lifting, chronic stress or overweight.

Sexual trauma and anxiety and depression often have a negative effect on pelvic floor vitality. Just like for women, aging plays an important role for men. As the body produces fewer hormones, men lose muscle mass and the muscles of the pelvic floor also become weaker. Neurological conditions can affect the nerves that control the pelvic floor, such as stroke, multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's. Surgical procedures on the prostate can damage or weaken the pelvic floor. Disturbed breathing can lead to increased tension in the pelvic floor. And finally, a chronic cough can lead to straining and subsequent weakening of the pelvic floor.

Symptoms of a prolapse in men include pressure or pain in the pelvic area, a feeling of heaviness in the groin area, difficulty urinating or defecating, urine or fecal leakage and sexual dysfunction.

Complaints that resemble the above complaints may also have more serious medical causes. Do you think you suffer from a weak or underactive pelvic floor? Then discuss your complaints with your doctor or visit a pelvic floor specialist. This professional can help determine whether, and to what extent, there is an imbalance in the pelvic floor. No internal examination is necessary for this. So if you have difficulty with this, discuss this with your care provider.
He or she can give you advice and suggest suitable exercises. If you have more insight into the cause of your complaints, it can be valuable to make exercises more personal. You will find a lot of inspiration for this on this website.

A tense or overactive pelvic floor

Read the article ‘a tense or overactive pelvic floor’ more on this subject. Although the article is aimed at women, much of the theme is similar for men and women. Below I describe symptoms relevant to the male body:

  1. Pain or discomfort in the pelvic area, including the groin, testicles, penis and anus.< /li>
  2. Incontinence and involuntary loss of urine or feces
  3. Erection problems or reduced sexual performance
  4. Constipation, because bowel movements are delayed or prevented. The tension on the pelvic floor can make hemorrhoids worse.
  5. Problems with urination; difficulty urinating or frequent urge to urinate. An overactive pelvic floor can cause urine to be retained in the bladder. This increases the risk of urinary tract infections and other urinary tract problems.
  6. Pain during intercourse.
  7. Reduction of blood flow to the prostate. This in turn can contribute to prostatitis, prostate pain and prostate enlargement.

Stress and anxiety often cause increased muscle tension in the pelvic floor. Emotional and sexual trauma can play an important role in this tension. In addition, physical trauma, such as an accident including literal pelvic injuries, can lead to tension in the pelvic floor.

Overloading the pelvic area, sitting for long periods of time, heavy lifting or excessive exercise can result in an overactive pelvic floor. Excessive pelvic floor training can also result in an overactive pelvic floor.

It is important to remember that these symptoms can also indicate other health problems. So it's important to talk to a healthcare provider if you experience any of these symptoms.

What can you do? – Pelvis in balance

Just like for women, it is important for men that the different muscle groups of the pelvic floor be vital and strong enough, but also be able to relax. To achieve this, it is important to be able to contract and relax (isolate) the muscles separately. Most yoni yoga exercises are valuable for men, although he does not use a yoni egg for this. Using a yoni egg makes it easier for the woman to focus on the different muscle groups of and experience in the pelvic area. So the woman has more options here. 🙂

Activities for a healthy-pelvic floor

Make sure you have a healthy lifestyle; pay attention to Sufficient physical exercise, not sitting for too long at a time, a good posture.

          The classic:

    Kegel exercises!
        These exercises are specifically aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. It involves tightening and relaxing the muscles responsible for controlling the urinary and fecal sphincters. It is important to properly isolate the muscles and only tighten the pelvic floor muscles and not the buttocks or abdominal muscles. Regularly doing
    pelvic floor exercises can help prevent incontinence and erectile dysfunction.
    1. Squats are a good way to strengthen not only the pelvic floor muscles, but also the gluteal and thigh muscles. These exercises can help increase stability and strength in the pelvic area and promote blood and energy circulation.
    2. Yoni Yoga: The exercises on this website will be valuable to balance your pelvic floor.
    3. Yoga: Different yoga postures can help to improve the strengthen and relax pelvic floor muscles. For example, mountain pose (Tadasana) can help increase pelvic floor awareness and improve posture. Child's pose (Balasana) and crocodile pose (Makarasana) can help relax the pelvic floor muscles and reduce tension in the pelvic area.
    4. Breathing exercises: Practicing deep breathing exercises can help relax the pelvic floor muscles and improve blood circulation. A simple exercise is to breathe deeply through the nose, placing one hand on your lower abdomen and one hand behind your scrotum. See if you can expand your abdomen and pelvic floor slightly as you inhale. At first you may need to push the pelvic floor a little to feel the expansion. Once you have done this a few times, you can remain more relaxed during the inhalation. Then you slowly exhale through the mouth while relaxing the pelvic floor muscles.

    Tension/trauma in the pelvic floor

    The pelvic floor area extends between the tailbone, the pubic bone and both sit bones. Tension can be experienced in this entire area. The outside of the pelvic floor is almost as accessible in men as in women. Read more about the pelvic floor in this article. Make sure that some of the muscle groups are under the scrotum and go along the penis. Massaging this area generally provides relaxation and improves blood circulation, thus having a positive impact on the sexual experience. De-armouring can be applied if you notice that certain muscle groups are more painful or evoke strong emotions. You can massage or de-armour this area yourself. However, you can relax more deeply, surrender and discharge better if a partner can do this for you. Read the article ‘external de-armouring of the pelvic floor’ if you want to read more about this.

    The pelvic floor consists of several muscle layers, not all of which can be accessed from the outside. Unfortunately, physiological complaints (and trauma in the pelvic floor) in men can be related to these deeper muscle layers. A professional pelvic floor physiotherapist will sometimes choose to approach the top of the pelvic floor via the anus with an aid or with the fingers.

    When should you be careful?

    I do not recommend performing de-armouring via the anus at the top of the pelvic floor independently, without first being instructed by a pelvic floor specialist. The rectum (the last part of the large intestine) is not designed for penetration. The walls are less elastic than those of the vagina and therefore more vulnerable to damage. If damaged, there is a risk of infection by the bacteria in the intestine.

    In addition, the PC muscle, an essential muscle in sexuality, is important for both men and women. women and you can read more about it in the article ‘The PC muscle’.

    Anus as an erogenous zone

    The anus, with its 3 muscle groups, is an important part of the pelvic floor. Erotic stimulation of the pelvic floor helps men as well as women for the blood circulation and vitality of the pelvic area. In addition, stimulation of the pelvic floor area and in particular the massage and ultimately penetration of the anus is a gateway for men to enter a sexuality that is more similar to what women experience.

    Tension and armor in the anus is a separate theme, which is valuable for both women and men. You can read more about this in the article ‘De-armouring the anus‘.

    In addition to the fact that I do not recommend de-armouring the muscle groups above the anus, via the anus, you can de-armour the anus itself, via the anus.

    The Prostate

    Men can experience tension in their prostate. This may be the result of an overactive pelvic floor, prostatitis, prostate hypertrophy or other prostate problems. Symptoms may include pain, discomfort, pressure, or a burning sensation in the area of the prostate.

    A general tension in the pelvic floor can cause a feeling of tension in the prostate, specifically this can be the rectal muscles and the muscles responsible for erection. To solve these problems, it is valuable to learn to actively relax the pelvic floor or to massage it from the outside. It can also be helpful to massage the anus internally to a certain extent. Reducing tension in these muscle groups will probably also reduce tension in the prostate.

    It is important to regularly relax the pelvic floor muscles and take good care of them to prevent tension in the prostate. It is important to consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment if such symptoms occur.

    What is the prostate?

    The prostate is a gland that is located below the bladder in men. The urethra runs through the prostate. It is about the size of a walnut and plays an important role in reproduction. The prostate produces prostatic fluid, also called precum, which is mixed with the semen.

    The precum helps lubricate the urethra and neutralize uric acid in the urethra, which helps protect the sperm from damage when passes through the urethra during ejaculation. The prostatic fluid is rich in nutrients that sperm need to survive and move, including zinc, fructose and various enzymes. When a man becomes aroused, the prostate fluid mixes with the seminal fluid from the seminal vesicles in the testicles to form the semen that is ejected during ejaculation.

    The prostate is sensitive to changes as men age, including an enlargement of the prostate, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which can make it more difficult to urinate. Another condition that can affect the prostate is prostate cancer, which is a common cancer in men.

    Regular checkups and screenings can help detect and treat problems with the prostate early. It is important for men to monitor the health of their prostate and report any changes to their healthcare provider.

    Taoism & the Prostate

    In Taoism, the prostate is considered an important organ for male sexual health and spiritual development. It is seen as a storehouse of sexual energy, which can be transformed and used to strengthen the body and mind. According to Taoist philosophy, the prostate has an important role in controlling sexual energy and preventing ejaculation. By performing certain exercises and techniques, such as the ‘Prostate milking technique’ or ‘Prostate Massage’, sexual energy can be activated and directed to other parts of the body, strengthening and healing the body and mind.

    Within Taoist sexual philosophy The prostate is also considered an important organ for the production of ‘jing’ (the basis of vital energy in the body). Through certain exercises, breathing techniques and meditation, this energy can be generated and used to improve the health and vitality of the body and mind.

    It is important to note that the Taoist approach to the prostate and sexual health has not been scientifically proven and that the techniques and exercises should only be performed under the guidance of an experienced Taoist teacher or practitioner.

    Prostate massage

    Prostate massage can help reduce tension and discomfort in the prostate for some men. It improves blood supply and stimulates the production of prostate fluid. In addition, it can help detect any lumps or other abnormalities in the prostate, which can be important for the early detection of prostate cancer.

    A prostate massage is not recommended as part of sexual activity. Please realize that performing a prostate massage is a medical procedure and there are risks of damage and infection. If you suspect that a prostate massage may be helpful for problems you are experiencing, it is best to seek advice from a professional. If the massage is valuable to you, the medical specialist will explain to you how to do this. can best perform in your personal situation.

    Doing your own research?

    If you still want to investigate, take a lot of time so that the (circular) muscles of the anus can relax. Use medical gloves and plenty of lubricant, and slowly insert a finger step by step, possibly with the help of light pressing during insertion. Avoid pain or tenderness during this phase. The prostate is located approximately 5-7.5 cm inward, against the rectum, in the direction of the penis.

    If there is prostate cancer, avoid massage. Medically speaking, there is not yet 100% clarity, but it is suspected that massage stimulates the production and spread of cancer cells. What is valuable is to insert a finger and place it gently on the prostate. You can then ‘energetically’ to meditate on what can be experienced here, and possibly which blockages are associated with the cancer that has developed in this location. After you have become aware of the location you can meditate on the spot without the need for the presence of the finger. If you feel a connection with this, you could also use crystals for this meditation.

    It is important to only perform prostate massage with the correct knowledge and techniques, and preferably with the guidance of a qualified professional.

    Meditating on a yoni egg 🙂

    If you feel a connection with working with gemstones, you can sit on a yoni egg. Use a meditation cushion or a chair with a soft seat. Place the egg (size M is often comfortable) under your buttocks, near your anus, and sit on it. You can concentrate on the experience and any energy of the egg in this place, you do not have to undress yourself for this.

    In my shop I have rejected eggs that are a lot cheaper and suitable for this purpose are. Not all gemstone types are in the shop. For more choice, please contact us.

    Yoni Yoga can help men develop a deeper connection to their bodies and sexuality, and to gain awareness cultivate around their own sexual energy and the relationship with their partners.