Yoni Yoga

Warning Green serpentine yoni egg

Be careful with Green serpentine! Do you recognize this egg? Then don't use it intimately! Green serpentine is one of the most sold Yoni eggs in the Netherlands and worldwide! I was very shocked when I discovered the following: these green serpentine eggs react and dissolve in lactic acid, with an acidity between 3 & 3.8

Be careful with Green serpentine! Do you recognize this egg? Then don't use it intimately!

Green serpentine is one of the most sold Yoni eggs in the Netherlands and worldwide!

I was very shocked when I discovered the following: these green serpentine eggs react and dissolve in lactic acid, with an acidity between 3 & 3.8. And that's not the most annoying thing; exposure to this acid releases harmful metals such as lead, copper and iron. You don't want that, and certainly not in the Yoni.

A few years ago I started working with a gemologist; Since then I have learned a lot about gemstones and their mineral composition. I discussed solubility with him, and serpentine is not known to dissolve in lactic acid at the above acidity.

I received a delivery from my regular supplier that I thought looked strange and somewhat reacted. As a test, I put the delivery in kitchen vinegar and ordered home test strips. To my great shock, reasonable amounts of lead, copper and iron appeared to be released. I directly contacted the customers concerned and contacted the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA). I am still waiting for their response.

In the meantime, I have repeated the tests in a home setup, and exposed the eggs in question (and other eggs) for 72 hours to lactic acid, with a temperature of 40C and a pH of 3- 3.8. The resulting solution indeed shows that percentages of lead, copper and iron are released. I find it difficult to determine how worrying this is without professional help, but I don't think it is desirable anyway. Hopefully I will get in touch with a laboratory as soon as possible, which can determine the values exactly.

The stones do not react with water, and external use (on the skin) is harmless.

Are you unsure whether you have a green serpentine egg of this species; then it is best to put the egg in kitchen vinegar for 24 hours and see if it reacts. If the egg clearly changes color or structure, do not use the egg intimately!

Below you will see an overview of the different types of serpentine that are (as far as I know) on the market

Green Serpentine
– also sold as green jade –
Reacts/dissolves, releasing harmful substances

Light green Serpentine Xuiyan Jade, New jade
May react a little, but no harmful substances were measured.

Light green Serpentine Xuiyan Jade, New jade
May react a little, but no harmful substances were measured.

Green Serpentine; transparent
No response; no harmful substances

Already in my webshop; and available very soon:
Home test, 100ml liquid based on deionized water and lactic acid, and an acidity of 3.0; acidity test strip, and contaminant test strip.